Insect AI wurde von Nick Porcino entworfen

Greetz to AiGameDev readers!
People seem to like the term Insect AI! I enjoyed puzzling through this reference. Cynergy Research mentions using Insect AI for Sailplane UAV. Looks like a lot of game modders are into it too.
Denis Kalkofen uses the visual nomenclature in his diploma thesis Simulation of Virtual Scenarios in Immersive Environments through the Fusion of Game AI and Virtual Reality. Another example. A google on "Insect AI" reveals a lot of hits, and puts me in good company with Rodney Brooks' earlier work at MIT. A.K. Mackworth seems to have used the term a couple of years before I did, but doesn't define it beyond calling it reactive intelligence. Ivar Mossin & Ralph Meijer have written a thesis entitled Racing Vehicle Control Using Insect Intelligence.

Content by Nick Porcino (c) 1990-2011